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Resource Centre

Fighting Knife Crime London has identified and gathered a range of resources concerning knife crime and the associated issues of poverty, deprivation and inequality.

The information comprises of the following, official reports, statistical information, research and legislation. We will regularly update the resources section of the website to ensure that we provide the most up to date and informative information available.  

We hope that this information is helpful to young people and their families, community groups, students, researchers, practitioners, policy makers and journalists.

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Justice+ - Why England and Wales need Holistic Defence in the Criminal Justice System

The report firstly briefly summarises the current problems in the criminal justice system, exemplified by the crisis in the prison estate and the lack of services for people experiencing crises.

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Stop and Search Toolkit

This report is produced in collaboration with staff from the Campbell Collaboration Secretariat. It is a derivative product, which summarises information from Campbell systematic reviews, and other reviews, to support evidence-informed decision making’.

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This briefing will examine the current evidence in relation to stop and search and how it is practised in the UK, examining in particular questions of its disproportionate use against young people and those from minority ethnic groups.

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Beyond the Headlines - Trends in violence affecting children

New YEF report examining trends in serious violence over the past 10 years.

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Youth Sector Workforce Survey Report 2024

The Workforce Survey, together with the Youth Sector Census and Higher Education Institution (HEI) Annual Monitoring Survey provides deeper insight into the state of the youth sector than was previously available.

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The National Youth Work Census 2024

The National Youth Work Census helps to shape the future of youth work in England by bringing together the views of providers from across the country.

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Capturing the evidence - Tools and activities for evaluating and recording the impact of youth work

An updated version of the NYA’s toolkit designed to gather information from young people about the impact of youth work on their lives. It is designed to aid the National Youth work Curriculum.

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Keeping Young People Safe - Dismantling belief systems through education to prevent knife carrying

This evaluation directly aligns with the London Violence Reduction Unit's core mission – to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of violence and implement preventative measures.

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Education, Children and Violence - Guidance for school, college and alternative provision leaders to help prevent children’s involvement in violence

We’ve created this guidance to help you get the most out of your finite resources when commissioning or designing plans to keep children safe.

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Trauma-Informed Practice within the Youth Justice System - How is it working and what needs to change?

This research, funded by the Hadley Trust, sought to address this evidence gap and take a closer look at the way in which TIP is implemented in the youth justice sector...

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NYA Youth Survey 2024 - Statistics

The reported data has been weighted to accurately reflect the demographics of these age groups across England.

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Policing Productivity Review

This Review was established to ‘identify ways in which forces across England and Wales can be more productive, improving outcomes’.

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The impact of the cost of living crisis on young people

This report looks at the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people

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We've only just begun - Action to improve young people’s mental health, education and employment

This is the final report of a three-year research programme here at Resolution Foundation, funded by the Health Foundation and part of their Young person’s future health inquiry.

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AI and the Public Sector

AI in the public sector is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize governance and citizen services.

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Criminal exploitation: Modern slavery by another name

This report calls for a tougher response to criminals who are taking advantage of young people and vulnerable adults.

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An inspection of the effectiveness of the police and law enforcement bodies’ response to group-based child sexual exploitation in England and Wales

The purpose of this inspection was to establish how well the police and law enforcement bodies understand and respond to group-based child sexual exploitation.

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London's Inclusion Charter

The Charter prioritises education that is fully inclusive, fair and available to all. It's what we heard from headteachers, education professionals, young people, parents and carers and local authorities, when we began this journey at a VRU conference in July 2022.

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This manual is for youth justice service practitioners and managers

This is the updated guidance for professionals January 31st 2024.

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The findings of this year’s Prince’s Trust NatWest Youth Index demonstrate how the relationship between financial confidence, work and education can have a detrimental impact on young people’s wellbeing and aspirations for the future.

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UK Poverty 2024: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK

This report looks at the current situation across different groups and regions, and the future prospects for poverty in the UK.

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London’s 2023 murders examined: key figures in the UK capital’s homicides

This report presents a detailed analysis of the estimated 103 homicides that occurred in Greater London in 2023, marked by a concerning trend in violent crimes.

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Two Nations: The State of Poverty in the UK

An interim report on the state of the nation.

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`Not Naughty, Stupid, or Bad’ - The Voices of Neurodiverse Service Users in the Criminal Justice System

This report brings forth the experiences of people who are diagnosed and self-diagnose as neurodivergent.

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Imprisonment and other custodial sanctions

This is an Important new study from College of Policing ‘What Works Centre’ on the effect of imprisonment on reoffending.

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Against Serious Violence Reduction Orders

In this report we explore some key issues in relation to the government’s new policing and court order power, Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs).

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Children, violence and vulnerability 2023

The second annual Youth Endowment Fund report into young people’s experiences of violence.

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Rebuilding Lives: Young Muslims from the Criminal Justice System to Community Resettlement

This report Rebuilding Lives Young Muslims from Criminal Justice System to Community Resettlement highlights a range of issues from islamophobia within the criminal justice system, to the systemic and chronic disadvantage faced by many in the Muslim community.

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Persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

The Education Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Education and its associated public bodies.

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Charity Sector Cost Of Living Crisis - £1 Billion In Funding Cuts Report

This resource is a summary of our Charity Exellence Insight Briefing - £1bn Public Funding Cuts + Potential Widespread Charity Closures.

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Manifesto: Reimagining public services

22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities.

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State of the Nation 2023: People and places

This year, we have delivered on the plan set out in 2022, to put the full Social Mobility Index into operation. We have done this by looking at full mobility outcomes, intermediate (early-life) outcomes, and drivers, but with breakdowns by geography and protected characteristics where possible.

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Young People's Action Group - Information Brochure

This guide has been created to support organisations of any shape and size to meaningfully work alongside young Londoners. 

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A New Met for London

We are clear that our mission is to deliver More Trust, Less Crime and High Standards.

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Empire Fighting Chance: Boxing - based mentoring

Feasibility and pilot trial report.

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Rugby Football League – Inspiring Futures Educate Mentoring Programme

Feasibility and pilot trial report.

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Close to home

The case for localising criminal justice services in England and Wales

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National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum - Annual Report – 22/23

The aim of the forum is to work together to share good practice and improve services and support for care experienced young people.

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Catch22 Zine

Catch22 Zine is an annual publication designed to give you a flavour of the depth and breadth of what we do across our organisation.

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Better together: Youth work with schools

This is an independent review co-chaired by former Children’s Minister Tim Loughton MP and former Shadow Education Secretary Kate Green, and commissioned and facilitated by the National Youth Agency (NYA), the national standards body for youth work in England.

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Youth Unemployment Statistics

Youth unemployment is currently at a historically low level. 

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Welcome to the MPCT Military Academy

We have seen and supported over 30000 young people make the very challenging transition from childhood to adulthood and develop into positive, productive role models in their own right.

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Community - powered high streets

This report is an important reminder of the state our high streets are in, and the positive role community businesses can play in turning their fortunes around.

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Police and Crime Committee Response to the Metropolitan Police draft Turnaround Plan

This is the Response from the Chair of the Mayor of London’s Police and Crime Committee to the Met’s draft Turnaround plan, also published on the FKCL website

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Consultation on new knife legislation proposals to tackle the use of machetes and other bladed articles in crime

The government is taking action at every level to cut crime and make our streets safer, but we know there is more to do to protect the public and end the scourge of serious violence.

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An independent review into the standards of behaviour and internal culture of the Metropolitan Police Service

This Review, commissioned in the wake of the scandals that have rocked policing nationally, has sought to examine the Met’s culture and standards.

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Violence in London: what we know and how to respond

A report commissioned by the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit

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Youth Unemployment Statistics

458,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed in November – January 2023, up 27,000 from the previous quarter but at a similar level to a year before. Youth unemployment is currently at a historically low level.

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Catch 22 - Review of the Year 2022

At Catch22, we strive for a world where everyone has what we call the ‘3 Ps’ – good people around them, a safe place to live and a purpose in life. It is our mission to ensure everyone we work with has the opportunity to realise those 3Ps, even when the scale of the problems they face seem unsurmountable.

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Levelling Up Locally

Final report from Onward’s Levelling Up in Practice project

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Growth and the core conditions of transformative change

This report was kindly produced by Emma Hands and Dr Sarah Lewis, introducing the ideas and practices of Growth work. A whole system approach is promoted which seeks to grow an organisation through building a sense of community and belonging.

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Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2022

Analyses of information held within the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains detailed record-level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales.

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation - UK Poverty 2023

The essential guide to Understanding Poverty in the UK

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Turnaround Plan 2023 - 2025

Our plan is to deliver a better service and to achieve that we need to hear your views. We are listening, and will update the Plan in April following this period of engagement.

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Over-policed and under-protected

The road to Safer Schools

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‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’ - Young people and pornography

This paper, the first in a series of research reports, makes clear the urgent need to protect children from the harms of online pornography. 

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Digitally Enabling Next Generation Reassurance Policing

A platform approach to community support and resolution

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Youth Justice Statistics: 2021 to 2022

This publication looks at the youth justice system in England and Wales for the year ending March 2022. 

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Physical Activity Interventions to Alleviate Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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The Cost of Living Impact on Mental Health 2022-2023

In the recent past, especially in the past year of 2022, the cost of living has been increasing significantly, causing massive issues across individuals’ daily lives and their quality of life. 

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Children and young people’s voices on youth diversion and disparity

This project explores the experiences of children and young people, some of whom had been diverted and some of whom had not, with a particular focus on how they perceived their ethnicity to have impacted the youth justice process and outcomes.

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Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile

In last year’s introduction to the Factfile I looked forward to the prospect of emerging from the Covid pandemic. How desperately mistaken that prediction has proved to be. Once again, for prisoners and their families, the pains of imprisonment have been terribly amplified by the restrictions imposed to prevent infection. Prisons have relaxed more slowly, and tightened up more quickly, than the wider community. With honourable exceptions, inspection reports reveal prison regimes characterised by boredom and inactivity.

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Effective point-of-arrest diversion for children and young people

Some children come into contact with the law and most are simply doing what comes naturally to them - pushing boundaries, making choices without thinking through the consequences, acting up among their peers.

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Digital Futures 2022

An updated review of the digital maturity and effectiveness of the UK’s fitness and leisure sector

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Children, violence and vulnerability 2022

A Youth Endowment Fund report into young people’s experiences of violence

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The Economic Value of Youth Work

UK Youth has partnered with Frontier Economics to estimate the economic value of youth work in England.

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Hidden in Plain Sight

A national plan of action to support vulnerable teenagers to succeed and to protect them from adversity, exploitation, and harm

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Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2022

This is the dataset from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) for y/e June 2022, published October 7th 2022. 

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Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile - Winter 2022

In last year’s introduction to the Factfile I looked forward to the prospect of emerging from the Covid pandemic. How desperately mistaken that prediction has proved to be. 

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The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

These final recommendations complement the 87 recommendations contained in the previously published investigation reports (including six which have been restated).

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Underemployment: The Hidden Face of the Employment Crisis

Between May and July 2022, Catch22 brought together employability experts, businesses, youth employment champions and job seekers in a series of round tables to explore the subject of underemployment.

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CREATING STABLE FUTURES: Human Trafficking, Participation and Outcomes for Children

This report outlines a 12-month participatory research study into understanding how to ensure protection, support and positive outcomes for children and young people who have arrived in the UK.

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The Effectiveness of Sentencing Options on Reoffending

Reduced reoffending is an important objective that can facilitate desistance and reintegration.

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The Good Childhood Report 2022

The Good Childhood Report 2022 is the eleventh annual report on the well- being of children in the UK, and marks the tenth anniversary of the series.

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WHO’s Violence Prevention Unit’s: APPROACH, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES, 2022-2026

The purpose of this document is to outline the Violence Prevention Unit’s approach to violence prevention, and its objectives and activities for 2022-2026.

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Neighbourhoods affected by violence

This report identifies some core key themes driving violence based on what participants told us through the interviews, focus groups, surveys and our social media analysis.

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An Efficiency randomised Controlled trial study to encourage safer choices for school children

This evaluation of DARE25 aimed to ascertain the impact of the programme on behavioural and emotional problems among Year 6 pupils (as measured by the self-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Problem Behaviour Frequency Scale).

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Family and its protective effect: Part 1 of the Independent Family Review

The last few years have been challenging for everyone and the pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of family and relying on their support during difficult times. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we understand, celebrate, and appreciate the importance of family in everyone’s lives, especially children

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Revenge Porn: The Latest Research and Law Enforcement Efforts

Revenge porn is a uniquely modern phenomenon that shines a light on a fundamental flaw in how we approach consent, the internet, and acceptable behaviors in dating and relationships

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A guide to knife harm for parents and carers

Facts to help you feel more confident when talking to your child about knife harm, as well as practical help and guidance, and where to find support.

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Inspiring Positive Change - The FA Strategy for Women's and Girls’ Football: 2020-2024

Football has the power to change lives for the better. It can contribute to physical and mental wellbeing, it can provide opportunities to compete and collaborate with others and it can help to shape the place of girls and women in wider society.

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Briefing: Improving children and young people’s mental health services

In this briefing, we present analysis from the Networked Data Lab (NDL). Led by the Health Foundation, the NDL is a collaborative network of analytical teams from across the UK (see section About the Networked Data Lab). Using local expertise and unique linked datasets, our aim is to produce new insights into major challenges in health and care.

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Repairing our society

A social justice manifesto for a thriving Britain

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The views of looked after children and young people on their contact arrangements

The report and analyses were funded by the Hadley Trust, and we thank them for their continuing support.

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The Report of the Independent Inquiry - Telford Child Sexual Exploitation

The Report includes a comprehensive Executive Summary at the beginning, which includes the key sections from each chapter, so that readers can benefit from a higher-level overview of the Report either in advance, or instead of reading the Report in full.

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A Head Start: Early support for children’s mental health

This report describes six ambitions for early mental health support for children. 

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Intergenerational income persistence: evidence for the UK

Our aim is not to provide a comprehensive overview of this topic but rather to spotlight some of the newer directions in intergenerational mobility research within economics driven by changes in some key trends in the recent decades as well as growing availability of administrative data.

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The Living Standards Audit 2022

 This report – the latest in our long-running annual series – therefore sets out the key lessons we should learn from historic trends in UK incomes as well as from comparisons with other countries.

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Protecting the protectors? Do criminal sanctions reduce violence against police and NHS staff?

This report takes a closer, evidence-based look at increased penalties for assaults against emergency workers and demonstrates the ineffectiveness of this approach on any level.

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The findings of the Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit

The Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit set out with an overarching goal that every child should be in school every day, supported and ready to learn. Every child has the right to a fantastic education.

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Knife Crime Toolkit

This toolkit is designed for professionals to use with children and young people who are at risk of carrying or using a knife.

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Hungry, Anxious and Scared

The Childhood Trust commissioned this research to explore the impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis on disadvantaged children and young people supported by charities in London.

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Neighbourhoods Affected by Violence

This report builds on the work published in 2020 of the Behavioural Insight Team (BIT).

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Promising approaches to knife crime: an exploratory study

This bulletin focuses on the findings from research which sought to identify and understand promising approaches to knife crime delivered by and with YOTs.

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Disrupting knife crime through sport

Holds a key for successful intervention of sports programmes to tackle violent knife crime.

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Sale of knives etc to persons under 18

The Sentencing Council is proposing to issue two guidelines for the offence of the sale of knives etc to persons under 18 contrary to section 141A of the Criminal Justice Act 1988; one for sentencing individuals and one for sentencing organisations

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Move on Upstream: Crime, prevention and relationships

In this paper, they apply the relational lens to the UK’s police forces, and make the case for a new approach to collaborative, community-based crime prevention

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Reforms to the adult out of court disposals framework in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: Equalities Impact Assessment

The reform aims to simplify the adult Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs) framework, to ensure consistency across police forces in the way low-level offences are dealt with out of court. 

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Statistics update: The latest data on police recorded crime, youth victims of homicide and modern slavery

This is our second statistics update, looking at the latest data on crime and violence affecting young people.

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Knife and Offensive Weapon Sentencing Statistics: October to December 2021

This publication presents key statistics describing the trends in the number of offenders receiving cautions and convictions

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Justice+ - Why England and Wales need Holistic Defence in the Criminal Justice System

The report firstly briefly summarises the current problems in the criminal justice system, exemplified by the crisis in the prison estate and the lack of services for people experiencing crises.

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Stop and Search Toolkit

This report is produced in collaboration with staff from the Campbell Collaboration Secretariat. It is a derivative product, which summarises information from Campbell systematic reviews, and other reviews, to support evidence-informed decision making’.

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This briefing will examine the current evidence in relation to stop and search and how it is practised in the UK, examining in particular questions of its disproportionate use against young people and those from minority ethnic groups.

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Beyond the Headlines - Trends in violence affecting children

New YEF report examining trends in serious violence over the past 10 years.

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Capturing the evidence - Tools and activities for evaluating and recording the impact of youth work

An updated version of the NYA’s toolkit designed to gather information from young people about the impact of youth work on their lives. It is designed to aid the National Youth work Curriculum.

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Education, Children and Violence - Guidance for school, college and alternative provision leaders to help prevent children’s involvement in violence

We’ve created this guidance to help you get the most out of your finite resources when commissioning or designing plans to keep children safe.

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The impact of the cost of living crisis on young people

This report looks at the impact of the cost of living crisis on young people

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We've only just begun - Action to improve young people’s mental health, education and employment

This is the final report of a three-year research programme here at Resolution Foundation, funded by the Health Foundation and part of their Young person’s future health inquiry.

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AI and the Public Sector

AI in the public sector is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize governance and citizen services.

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Criminal exploitation: Modern slavery by another name

This report calls for a tougher response to criminals who are taking advantage of young people and vulnerable adults.

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An inspection of the effectiveness of the police and law enforcement bodies’ response to group-based child sexual exploitation in England and Wales

The purpose of this inspection was to establish how well the police and law enforcement bodies understand and respond to group-based child sexual exploitation.

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London's Inclusion Charter

The Charter prioritises education that is fully inclusive, fair and available to all. It's what we heard from headteachers, education professionals, young people, parents and carers and local authorities, when we began this journey at a VRU conference in July 2022.

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The findings of this year’s Prince’s Trust NatWest Youth Index demonstrate how the relationship between financial confidence, work and education can have a detrimental impact on young people’s wellbeing and aspirations for the future.

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UK Poverty 2024: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK

This report looks at the current situation across different groups and regions, and the future prospects for poverty in the UK.

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Two Nations: The State of Poverty in the UK

An interim report on the state of the nation.

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`Not Naughty, Stupid, or Bad’ - The Voices of Neurodiverse Service Users in the Criminal Justice System

This report brings forth the experiences of people who are diagnosed and self-diagnose as neurodivergent.

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Against Serious Violence Reduction Orders

In this report we explore some key issues in relation to the government’s new policing and court order power, Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs).

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Children, violence and vulnerability 2023

The second annual Youth Endowment Fund report into young people’s experiences of violence.

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Rebuilding Lives: Young Muslims from the Criminal Justice System to Community Resettlement

This report Rebuilding Lives Young Muslims from Criminal Justice System to Community Resettlement highlights a range of issues from islamophobia within the criminal justice system, to the systemic and chronic disadvantage faced by many in the Muslim community.

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Persistent absence and support for disadvantaged pupils

The Education Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Department for Education and its associated public bodies.

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Charity Sector Cost Of Living Crisis - £1 Billion In Funding Cuts Report

This resource is a summary of our Charity Exellence Insight Briefing - £1bn Public Funding Cuts + Potential Widespread Charity Closures.

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Manifesto: Reimagining public services

22 ways to build resilience and aspiration in people and communities.

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State of the Nation 2023: People and places

This year, we have delivered on the plan set out in 2022, to put the full Social Mobility Index into operation. We have done this by looking at full mobility outcomes, intermediate (early-life) outcomes, and drivers, but with breakdowns by geography and protected characteristics where possible.

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A New Met for London

We are clear that our mission is to deliver More Trust, Less Crime and High Standards.

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Empire Fighting Chance: Boxing - based mentoring

Feasibility and pilot trial report.

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Rugby Football League – Inspiring Futures Educate Mentoring Programme

Feasibility and pilot trial report.

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Close to home

The case for localising criminal justice services in England and Wales

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National Leaving Care Benchmarking Forum - Annual Report – 22/23

The aim of the forum is to work together to share good practice and improve services and support for care experienced young people.

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Better together: Youth work with schools

This is an independent review co-chaired by former Children’s Minister Tim Loughton MP and former Shadow Education Secretary Kate Green, and commissioned and facilitated by the National Youth Agency (NYA), the national standards body for youth work in England.

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Police and Crime Committee Response to the Metropolitan Police draft Turnaround Plan

This is the Response from the Chair of the Mayor of London’s Police and Crime Committee to the Met’s draft Turnaround plan, also published on the FKCL website

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Consultation on new knife legislation proposals to tackle the use of machetes and other bladed articles in crime

The government is taking action at every level to cut crime and make our streets safer, but we know there is more to do to protect the public and end the scourge of serious violence.

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An independent review into the standards of behaviour and internal culture of the Metropolitan Police Service

This Review, commissioned in the wake of the scandals that have rocked policing nationally, has sought to examine the Met’s culture and standards.

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Violence in London: what we know and how to respond

A report commissioned by the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit

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Catch 22 - Review of the Year 2022

At Catch22, we strive for a world where everyone has what we call the ‘3 Ps’ – good people around them, a safe place to live and a purpose in life. It is our mission to ensure everyone we work with has the opportunity to realise those 3Ps, even when the scale of the problems they face seem unsurmountable.

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Levelling Up Locally

Final report from Onward’s Levelling Up in Practice project

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Growth and the core conditions of transformative change

This report was kindly produced by Emma Hands and Dr Sarah Lewis, introducing the ideas and practices of Growth work. A whole system approach is promoted which seeks to grow an organisation through building a sense of community and belonging.

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Joseph Rowntree Foundation - UK Poverty 2023

The essential guide to Understanding Poverty in the UK

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Turnaround Plan 2023 - 2025

Our plan is to deliver a better service and to achieve that we need to hear your views. We are listening, and will update the Plan in April following this period of engagement.

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‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’ - Young people and pornography

This paper, the first in a series of research reports, makes clear the urgent need to protect children from the harms of online pornography. 

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Digitally Enabling Next Generation Reassurance Policing

A platform approach to community support and resolution

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Children and young people’s voices on youth diversion and disparity

This project explores the experiences of children and young people, some of whom had been diverted and some of whom had not, with a particular focus on how they perceived their ethnicity to have impacted the youth justice process and outcomes.

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Digital Futures 2022

An updated review of the digital maturity and effectiveness of the UK’s fitness and leisure sector

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The Economic Value of Youth Work

UK Youth has partnered with Frontier Economics to estimate the economic value of youth work in England.

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Hidden in Plain Sight

A national plan of action to support vulnerable teenagers to succeed and to protect them from adversity, exploitation, and harm

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The Good Childhood Report 2022

The Good Childhood Report 2022 is the eleventh annual report on the well- being of children in the UK, and marks the tenth anniversary of the series.

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WHO’s Violence Prevention Unit’s: APPROACH, OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES, 2022-2026

The purpose of this document is to outline the Violence Prevention Unit’s approach to violence prevention, and its objectives and activities for 2022-2026.

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Neighbourhoods affected by violence

This report identifies some core key themes driving violence based on what participants told us through the interviews, focus groups, surveys and our social media analysis.

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An Efficiency randomised Controlled trial study to encourage safer choices for school children

This evaluation of DARE25 aimed to ascertain the impact of the programme on behavioural and emotional problems among Year 6 pupils (as measured by the self-reported Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Problem Behaviour Frequency Scale).

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Family and its protective effect: Part 1 of the Independent Family Review

The last few years have been challenging for everyone and the pandemic has reaffirmed the importance of family and relying on their support during difficult times. Now, more than ever, it is vital that we understand, celebrate, and appreciate the importance of family in everyone’s lives, especially children

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Revenge Porn: The Latest Research and Law Enforcement Efforts

Revenge porn is a uniquely modern phenomenon that shines a light on a fundamental flaw in how we approach consent, the internet, and acceptable behaviors in dating and relationships

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Inspiring Positive Change - The FA Strategy for Women's and Girls’ Football: 2020-2024

Football has the power to change lives for the better. It can contribute to physical and mental wellbeing, it can provide opportunities to compete and collaborate with others and it can help to shape the place of girls and women in wider society.

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Repairing our society

A social justice manifesto for a thriving Britain

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The views of looked after children and young people on their contact arrangements

The report and analyses were funded by the Hadley Trust, and we thank them for their continuing support.

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The Report of the Independent Inquiry - Telford Child Sexual Exploitation

The Report includes a comprehensive Executive Summary at the beginning, which includes the key sections from each chapter, so that readers can benefit from a higher-level overview of the Report either in advance, or instead of reading the Report in full.

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A Head Start: Early support for children’s mental health

This report describes six ambitions for early mental health support for children. 

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The Living Standards Audit 2022

 This report – the latest in our long-running annual series – therefore sets out the key lessons we should learn from historic trends in UK incomes as well as from comparisons with other countries.

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Protecting the protectors? Do criminal sanctions reduce violence against police and NHS staff?

This report takes a closer, evidence-based look at increased penalties for assaults against emergency workers and demonstrates the ineffectiveness of this approach on any level.

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The findings of the Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit

The Children’s Commissioner’s Attendance Audit set out with an overarching goal that every child should be in school every day, supported and ready to learn. Every child has the right to a fantastic education.

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Hungry, Anxious and Scared

The Childhood Trust commissioned this research to explore the impact of the ongoing cost of living crisis on disadvantaged children and young people supported by charities in London.

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Move on Upstream: Crime, prevention and relationships

In this paper, they apply the relational lens to the UK’s police forces, and make the case for a new approach to collaborative, community-based crime prevention

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The government’s response to the Health and Social Care Committee report: children and young people’s mental health

This is the government’s formal response to the recommendations made by the Health and Social Care Committee in its report, Children and young people’s mental health.

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The Independent Review of Children’s Social Care - Final Report

This review is the most wide ranging rethink of children’s social care in more than a generation.

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National Stop and Search Learning report

This report brings together evidence from the work of the IOPC on stop and search, stakeholder engagement and published research to highlight concerns about transparency, legitimacy, scrutiny, and disproportionality that must be considered and addressed by the police service and others. Our aim is to support change and improvement in policing practice to help increase public confidence.

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A service in crisis

Survey into the mental health of children and young people by General Practitioners from the youth mental health charity Stem4

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The Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has published his plan for policing and keeping Londoners safe during this Mayoral term. Following consultation with nearly 4,000 Londoners, victims of crime, agencies, community groups and businesses, the Mayor’s Police and Crime Plan sets out his vision for a city in which Londoners are safer – and feel safer.

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A New Mode of Protection

This final report from the Review is our attempt to describe what kind of police service we will need to address the challenges of the 21st century.

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Online Safety Commission from Government: Our recommendations for making the online world safer for children

Report into peer-on-peer abuse online 

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Where are England's Children?

Interim findings from the Children's Commissioner School Attendance Audit 

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Local Child Safeguarding Practice Review

Child Safeguarding practice review of Child Q who was strip searched at school in Hackney 

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Children's Mental Health Services

Fifth annual report on children's mental health services in England. The report provides an assessment of children's ability to access Children and Young People Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) in England in 2020/21, and how this has changed over the past two years.

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Government Response to Danny Kruger MP's Report: 'Levelling Up Our Communities: Proposals for a New Social Covenant'

Response to Danny Kruger MP's Report: 'Levelling Up Our Communities: Proposals for a New Social Covenant'

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Levelling Up the United Kingdom

It is vital that we preserve and enhance the economic, academic and cultural success stories of the UK’s most productive counties, towns and cities. 

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Youth Review: Summary findings and government response

Summary findings and government response

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Child Sexual Exploitation by Organised Networks

In this investigation, the Inquiry considered the sexual exploitation of children by organised networks. Department for Education guidance recognises that child sexual exploitation is a form of child sexual abuse. 

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Children’s Social Care – putting children’s voices at the heart of reform

The Social Care Review can be the catalyst to bring about the bold and radical changes children want to see, but it will take all of us to make it a reality for all children within five years.

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Making the criminal justice system work better: how to improve out-of-court disposals and diversion schemes

Out-of-court disposals and diversion schemes are a vital part of the criminal justice system, providing quick and straightforward alternatives to prosecution. This project investigated whether and how the use of such disposals could be expanded to help ease pressure on the system.

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Tackling Double Disadvantage - Ending inequality for Black, Asian, minoritied and migrant women in the criminal justice system. 10-point action plan for change

10-point action plan with practical steps for meaningful change by working in partnership, alongside women with lived experience of the criminal justice system.

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Prisons Strategy White Paper

This White Paper sets out the strategy for prisons over the next two years, as well as the longer-term 10-year vision. It seeks views on how the proposals can bring down stubbornly high rates of reoffending, cut crime and protect the public from harm.

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Out of Harm's Way

A new care system to protect vulnerable teenagers at risk of exploitation and crime

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Redthread Strategy 2021-2026

This report outlines how Redthread's programmes will be expanding over the next few years.

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From Harm to Hope - A 10 year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives

UK Government 10 year drugs strategy 

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Knife Crime in the Capital

How gangs are drawing another generation into a life of violent crime

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The experiences of black and mixed heritage boys in the youth justice system - A thematic inspection by HM Inspectorate of Probation

Thematic inspection of the experiences of black and mixed heritage boys in the youth justice system. Over the course of six weeks, nine different youth offending services (YOSs) were inspected. This included a review of comprehensive evidence in advance from each area and in total examined 173 cases of black and mixed heritage boys (59 out-of-court disposal cases and 114 cases dealt with by the courts). The services of ‘User Voice’¹ were commissioned to obtain the views of 38 boys who had been supervised by the different services. This resulted in understanding the support they had received and the challenges they face.

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Resolving crimes without going to court – a messaging guide

In a “tough on crime” climate, how can we build support for resolving more crimes without going to court?

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Knife and offensive weapon sentencing statistics: year ending December 2020

Trends in cautioning and sentencing of knife and offensive weapons

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Arts as a Youth Intervention

This publication addresses a range of audiences; parliamentarians, artists, arts organisations, educators, funders, service users and the public. The key to progress will be coming together to address inequalities in arts engagements and promote inclusive interventions for young people.

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Review of IOPC cases involving the use of Taser 2015-2020

Findings following a review of 101 independent IOPC investigations involving the use of Taser from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2020

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The Things I Wish My Parents Had Known

Guidance document on how parents can best support children to understand and tackle sexualised bullying and pressures of growing up online. 

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The Macpherson Report: Twenty-two years on

Assessment of the progress against some of the most important Macpherson report recommendations: on community confidence, on tackling racist crimes, on recruitment and retention of Black and other minority ethnic officers and staff, on race disparities in the use of stop and search and other powers, and on the overall aim set by the late Sir William Macpherson of “the elimination of racist prejudice and disadvantage and the demonstration of fairness in all aspects of policing.” We have also looked at the structures needed to deliver further progress today.

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Government response to the independent review of drugs by Dame Carol Black

The UK Government response to the independent review of drugs by Dame Carol Black 

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State of the Nation 2021: Social Mobility and the Pandemic

The Social Mobility Commission is an independent advisory non-departmental public body established under the Life Chances Act 2010 as modified by the Welfare Reform and Work Act 2016. It has a duty to assess progress in improving social mobility in the UK and to promote social mobility in England.

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Pre-Court Diversion

Toolkit Technical Report

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The Government Response to the 2019 Youth Select Committee Report - Our Generation's Epidemic: Knife Crime

Government response to the 2019 Youth Select Committee Report- Our Generation's Epidemic: Knife Crime

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Poverty in the UK: Statistics

This summary note sets out information on the levels and rates of poverty in the UK, including historical trends and forecasts for future years, as well as poverty by employment status, tenure, ethnic group, disability, region and constituency.

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Police Powers: Stop and Search

This briefing paper discusses the police power of Stop and Search in England and Wales.

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Black people, racism and human rights: Government response to the Committee's Eleventh Report of Session 2019-21

UK Government response to the Joint Committee on Human Rights - Black people, racism and human rights

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Review of the Metropolitan Police Service Gangs Violence Matrix: Update on the implementation of the MOPAC recommendations

Update report on the implementation of the MOPAC Recommendations

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Profit making and risk in independent children's social care placement providers - update report

This study updates and extends the evidence that is available in relation to the financial performance of the largest independent sector children’s social care provider organisations operating in England. In this report reference to the independent sector includes both private companies and voluntary sector bodies.

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Report of the Children's commissioners of the United Kingdom of GB and NI to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child - Examination of the Combined Sixth and Seventh Periodic Reports of the UK and NI

This report from the Children’s Commissioners of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) informs the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child’s development of the List of Issues Prior to Reporting related to the UK’s Combined Sixth and Seventh Periodic Reports under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The report identifies emerging trends and key issues, some of which draw on previous concluding observations while others reflect worrying trends caused by the UK’s departure from the European Union (Brexit) and the Covid-19 pandemic. This report is supported by an annex which outlines Childrens Rights in the UK in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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Black people, racism and human rights

To better understand how Black people felt their human rights were protected in comparison to white people.

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Keeping Young People Safe - Dismantling belief systems through education to prevent knife carrying

This evaluation directly aligns with the London Violence Reduction Unit's core mission – to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of violence and implement preventative measures.

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Trauma-Informed Practice within the Youth Justice System - How is it working and what needs to change?

This research, funded by the Hadley Trust, sought to address this evidence gap and take a closer look at the way in which TIP is implemented in the youth justice sector...

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Policing Productivity Review

This Review was established to ‘identify ways in which forces across England and Wales can be more productive, improving outcomes’.

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Imprisonment and other custodial sanctions

This is an Important new study from College of Policing ‘What Works Centre’ on the effect of imprisonment on reoffending.

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Community - powered high streets

This report is an important reminder of the state our high streets are in, and the positive role community businesses can play in turning their fortunes around.

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Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2022

Analyses of information held within the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains detailed record-level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales.

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Over-policed and under-protected

The road to Safer Schools

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Physical Activity Interventions to Alleviate Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile

In last year’s introduction to the Factfile I looked forward to the prospect of emerging from the Covid pandemic. How desperately mistaken that prediction has proved to be. Once again, for prisoners and their families, the pains of imprisonment have been terribly amplified by the restrictions imposed to prevent infection. Prisons have relaxed more slowly, and tightened up more quickly, than the wider community. With honourable exceptions, inspection reports reveal prison regimes characterised by boredom and inactivity.

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Effective point-of-arrest diversion for children and young people

Some children come into contact with the law and most are simply doing what comes naturally to them - pushing boundaries, making choices without thinking through the consequences, acting up among their peers.

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The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

These final recommendations complement the 87 recommendations contained in the previously published investigation reports (including six which have been restated).

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Underemployment: The Hidden Face of the Employment Crisis

Between May and July 2022, Catch22 brought together employability experts, businesses, youth employment champions and job seekers in a series of round tables to explore the subject of underemployment.

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CREATING STABLE FUTURES: Human Trafficking, Participation and Outcomes for Children

This report outlines a 12-month participatory research study into understanding how to ensure protection, support and positive outcomes for children and young people who have arrived in the UK.

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The Effectiveness of Sentencing Options on Reoffending

Reduced reoffending is an important objective that can facilitate desistance and reintegration.

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Intergenerational income persistence: evidence for the UK

Our aim is not to provide a comprehensive overview of this topic but rather to spotlight some of the newer directions in intergenerational mobility research within economics driven by changes in some key trends in the recent decades as well as growing availability of administrative data.

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Knife Crime Toolkit

This toolkit is designed for professionals to use with children and young people who are at risk of carrying or using a knife.

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Neighbourhoods Affected by Violence

This report builds on the work published in 2020 of the Behavioural Insight Team (BIT).

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Promising approaches to knife crime: an exploratory study

This bulletin focuses on the findings from research which sought to identify and understand promising approaches to knife crime delivered by and with YOTs.

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Disrupting knife crime through sport

Holds a key for successful intervention of sports programmes to tackle violent knife crime.

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Sale of knives etc to persons under 18

The Sentencing Council is proposing to issue two guidelines for the offence of the sale of knives etc to persons under 18 contrary to section 141A of the Criminal Justice Act 1988; one for sentencing individuals and one for sentencing organisations

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Make your Mark 2022 Results Report

Opportunity for 11-18 year olds across the UK to vote on the topics members of the Youth Parliament debate in the House of Commons chamber. 

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Violence Reduction Units, year ending March 2022 evaluation report

This report presents findings from the evaluation of Violence Reduction Units (VRUs) in the year ending March 2022, the third consecutive year of Home Office funding.

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Comprehensive needs assessment of Child/Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse in London

VRU publishes ground-breaking research into 'hidden harm' After listening to communities to understand the needs of parents and carers who play such a vital role in the early years of a young person’s life, a key theme to emerge from our conversations was violence and abuse by children towards their parents.

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Rise Up – the story of year 1

Our Rise Up programme, funded by London’s VRU and delivered by London Youth in partnership with Leap Confronting Conflict, Power the Fight and Clore Social Leadership, builds on youth workers’ skills, confidence and experience in order to better support vulnerable young people in the capital.

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The Prince's Trust Natwest Youth Index 2022

National Survey that gauges the happiness and confidence young people feel across a range of areas, from working life to mental and physical health. 2,106 16 -25 year olds were surveyed during the period 22nd December 2021 and 12th January 2022. The survey was conducted on behalf of the Prince's Trust by YouGov. 

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URT Facilitator/Project Manager Training Programme West London

This evaluation covers the Youth Futures Young Leaders training planned conducted over summer 2021, targeted at young people from West London. This programme built off the previously successful model of Ubuntu Round Tables (URTs) delivered by YF in conjunction with the Tutu Foundation, whilst incorporating several changes to both prioritise the development of young people as facilitators, rather than participants, and to adjust to the turbulent, changing context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst the programme included interaction with other young people, and police, in the form of mini URTs delivered by the training, the focus of the evaluation is on the experience and impact of the Facilitator Training programme.

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Understanding serious violence among young people in London

Report into the characteristics and risk/predictive factors behind rates of victimisation and rates of offending for both the ‘most serious violence’ and ‘secondary violence’ experienced by young people in London.

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'Acceptable use' and regulation - Executive Summary

research re​port to better understand children's and young people's; experiences of online platforms, social media platforms, apps and gaming; experiences of online harms and the impact on their lives; perceptions of what ‘acceptable use’ is in online spaces; views on law enforcement’s role in addressing online harms; views on what future regulatory frameworks and arrangements should be developed.

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'Acceptable use' and regulation

research re​port to better understand children's and young people's; experiences of online platforms, social media platforms, apps and gaming; experiences of online harms and the impact on their lives; perceptions of what ‘acceptable use’ is in online spaces; views on law enforcement’s role in addressing online harms; views on what future regulatory frameworks and arrangements should be developed.

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Impact Report

Annual summary of the difference the Youth Sport Trust makes for young people through the power of sport and play and the funds invested into the charity.

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National Food Strategy - Independent Review

This is Henry Dimbleby’s 2021 report but one that is now in the news as so many four schools children haven’t enough food to eat to be able to learn adequately, with all the consequences that follow.

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Creatively Minded and the NHS

An overvoew of participatory arts offered by the NHS to people with mental health problems 

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A Background Paper

This paper provides an introductory overview to the development of early intervention policies, their evidence-base and their impact. It also provides links to further reading.

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The Best start for Life

Review into improving the health and development outcomes for babies in England

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The Good Childhood Report

Report into the well being of children

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Review of Drugs part two: prevention, treatment and recovery

Part 2 of the independent review of drugs which sets out a way forward on drug treatment and recovery 

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Arts as a youth intervention

Report into the need for better recognition and investment towards the arts as a youth intervention

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Adolescent mental health difficulties and educational attainment: findings from the UK household longitudinal study.

This study examines whether there is an independent association between mental difficulties in adolescence and educational attainment at age 16.

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Youth Endowment Fund Toolkit

Youth Endowment Fund - Toolkit

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Out of the woods? Young people's mental health and labour market status as the economy reopens

The proportion of economically-active young adults either unemployed or fully furloughed has halved since May 2020, to around 16 per cent at the end of May 2021. But they remain harder hit than older people, being two-and-a-half times more likely to be out of work...

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Big Change Starts Small

Report into early childhood and research on why early years matter

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Carrying or using a weapon at age 17: Evidence from the UK Millennium Cohort Study. London: Centre

At age 17, 6.4% of young people reported carrying or using a weapon in the preceding year. This was an increase from age 14 where 3.7% reported this. At age 17 the prevalence for males (8.8%) was more than twice that for females (3.9%). Weapon carrying or use at age 17 intersected with other types of offences at the same age.

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What is the social impact and return on investment resulting from expenditure on the Cadet Forces in the UK

Longitudinal research project to understand the social impact and return on investment resulting from the Ministry of Defence expenditure on cadets and the cadet expansion programme, as well as the benefits of the qualifications provided by CVQO.

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Policing County Lines: Impact of Covid-19

Research briefing from ongoing research on the policing of County Lines and the Impact of Covid-19 

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Violence and Vulnerability

This report explores the issue of vulnerability as a driver of serious violence, focusing on young people. It summarises the current trends in violence and patterns of vulnerability among children and young people, including the rise in poverty and deprivation. We look at the backgrounds and circumstances of a group of offenders and victims of serious violence to explore vulnerabilities that are thought to be connected to greater risks of violence and draw together common themes. Finally, we look at the effectiveness of current approaches to protecting and supporting young people who are at risk of serious violence, offering some recommendations for change.

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On the Edge: Life for young women on low incomes in London

Report briefing based on a range of existing research, and new statistical analysis on low income and young women in London.

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Therapeutic Intervention for Peace (TIP) Report

The intention of this research was to evidence the experiences of young people, families and practitioners in order to improve the effectiveness of therapeutic responses to youth violence in London.

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The Good Childhood Report 2020

The Good Childhood Report 2020 is the ninth annual report on the well-being of children in the UK by The Children's Society. It marks the 15th anniversary of the Children's Society's substantive programme of research to better understand how children feel about their lives, and the tenth year of our own measure of well-being - The Good Child Index.

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Review of Drugs - Executive Summary

Summary of phase one of the independent review of drugs an up-to-date analysis of the problems (Commissioned in February 2019 by Sajid Javid (then Home Secretary) 

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Children of Prisoners - Fixing a Broken System

This report provides insight on the issues facing children of prisoners. It examines the extent, nature and root causes of their poorer outcomes and argues that a whole family approach can be used to improve outcomes for children and parents and identifies what needs to change.

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Review of Drugs - evidence relating to drug use, supply and effects, including current trends nd future risks

Detailed data on the illicit drug market, its associated harms and interventions currently in place to tackle and respond to these harms

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General Debate on the role and sufficiency of youth services

Overview of youth services which includes relevant news and parliamentary material

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Counting Lives - Responding to children who are criminally exploited

This report is a call to action for professionals to recognise child criminal exploitation and provide a coordinated safeguarding response. Child criminal exploitation is a complex problem that requires a joined-up approach from statutory and non-statutory agencies, and accurate sharing of intelligence and recording of concerns facing children. The report focuses specifically on the experiences of children targeted by criminal networks to distribute illegal drugs (referred to as the 'child criminal exploitation through the county lines model'). Being caught possessing or distributing drugs is of course a serious crime at any age, but where children are groomed by criminal groups they need to be recognised as victims of exploitation. The report sheds light on how safeguarding duties interact with law enforcement responses in these instances potentially with very different consequences and long term impacts on a child's life.

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Knives and Offensive Weapons

This briefing provides information on the two main categories of offence relating to knives and offensive weapons in England and Wales: offences relating to possession and offences relating to sale and supply. It also describes police guidance on cautioning and charging and the Government's policy on knife crime.

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Being Matrixed: The (over) policing of gang suspects in London

In Spring 2017, StopWatch commissioned Dr. Patrick Williams of Manchester Metropolitan University to carry out in-depth qualitative interviews with 15 Londoners aged between 17 and 32 who are on the Gangs Matrix

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Trapped in the Matrix - Secrecy, stigma, and bias in the Met's Gangs database

Amnesty International has been conducting research on the Gangs Matrix for the past year and has met with more than 30 professionals who use, or are familiar with, the Gangs Matrix. They come from the police, the voluntary sector, and local authorities in several London boroughs – including staff from three borough Gangs Units. We have also asked community members and young people affected by the Gangs Matrix to tell us their experiences.

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Dangerous associations: Joint enterprise, gangs and racism - An analysis of the processes of criminalisation of Black, Asian and minority ethnic individuals.

Following the publication of Baroness Young's review Improving outcomes for young black and/or Muslim men in the Criminal Justice System in 2014, the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies commissioned the authors to write a research and policy project to explore the relationship between Joint Enterprise, gangs, and the police's gang database, and ethnicity.

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'Knife Crime' A review of evidence and policy, Second Edition

This review aims to draw together some of the existing information and research on knife crime and makes tentative assessments of the programmes in place to combat knife usage.

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Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults

The relationship of health risk behaviour and disease in adulthood to the breadth of exposure to childhood emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, and household dysfunction during childhood

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View Live Statistics from Weapon-enabled Crime Dashboard

Youth Sector Workforce Survey Report 2024

The Workforce Survey, together with the Youth Sector Census and Higher Education Institution (HEI) Annual Monitoring Survey provides deeper insight into the state of the youth sector than was previously available.

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The National Youth Work Census 2024

The National Youth Work Census helps to shape the future of youth work in England by bringing together the views of providers from across the country.

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NYA Youth Survey 2024 - Statistics

The reported data has been weighted to accurately reflect the demographics of these age groups across England.

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London’s 2023 murders examined: key figures in the UK capital’s homicides

This report presents a detailed analysis of the estimated 103 homicides that occurred in Greater London in 2023, marked by a concerning trend in violent crimes.

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Youth Unemployment Statistics

Youth unemployment is currently at a historically low level. 

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Youth Unemployment Statistics

458,000 young people aged 16-24 were unemployed in November – January 2023, up 27,000 from the previous quarter but at a similar level to a year before. Youth unemployment is currently at a historically low level.

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Youth Justice Statistics: 2021 to 2022

This publication looks at the youth justice system in England and Wales for the year ending March 2022. 

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Children, violence and vulnerability 2022

A Youth Endowment Fund report into young people’s experiences of violence

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Crime in England and Wales: year ending June 2022

This is the dataset from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) for y/e June 2022, published October 7th 2022. 

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Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile - Winter 2022

In last year’s introduction to the Factfile I looked forward to the prospect of emerging from the Covid pandemic. How desperately mistaken that prediction has proved to be. 

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Briefing: Improving children and young people’s mental health services

In this briefing, we present analysis from the Networked Data Lab (NDL). Led by the Health Foundation, the NDL is a collaborative network of analytical teams from across the UK (see section About the Networked Data Lab). Using local expertise and unique linked datasets, our aim is to produce new insights into major challenges in health and care.

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Reforms to the adult out of court disposals framework in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: Equalities Impact Assessment

The reform aims to simplify the adult Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs) framework, to ensure consistency across police forces in the way low-level offences are dealt with out of court. 

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Statistics update: The latest data on police recorded crime, youth victims of homicide and modern slavery

This is our second statistics update, looking at the latest data on crime and violence affecting young people.

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Knife and Offensive Weapon Sentencing Statistics: October to December 2021

This publication presents key statistics describing the trends in the number of offenders receiving cautions and convictions

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Homicide in England and Wales: year ending March 2021

Analyses of information held within the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains detailed record-level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales.

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Crime in England and Wales: year ending September 2021

Crime against households and adults using data from police recorded crime and the new Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales. Includes the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on crime and people’s perceptions of crime during the October 2020 to September 2021 interview periods.

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Youth Justice Statistics: 2021 to 2022

This publication looks at the youth justice system in England and Wales for the year ending March 2022. It considers the number of children (those aged 10 to 17) in the system, the offences they committed, the outcomes they received, their demographics and the trends over time.

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Population estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2020

National and subnational mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries by administrative area, age and sex

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Crime in England and Wales: Year ending December 2020

Crime against households and adults using data from police recorded crime and the new Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales. Includes the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on crime and people's perceptions of crime during the October to December 2020 periods.

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UK Poverty 2020/21 The leading independent report

This is the 2020/21 edition of JRF's annual report on the nature and scale of poverty across the UK and how it affects people. It highlights early indications of how poverty has changed in our society since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, as well as the situation revealed by the latest poverty data, collected before the coronavirus outbreak. It examines overall changes to poverty, with sections looking at the impact of work, the social security system and housing. It also benefits from powerful insights from members of our Grassroots Poverty Action Group, who have direct experience of living on a low income.

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Children and Young People's Mental Health: The Facts

Accessible overview of key facts and statistics on the mental health children and young people.

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Knife crime in England and Wales

House of Commons briefing paper on knife crime in England and Wales

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Child poverty and education outcomes by ethnicity

An exploration of how child poverty and educational outcomes vary for different ethnic groups, including a look at whether there is a relationship between these variables that is consistent across ethnic groups.

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Beyond The Blade

In 2017 we marked the death of each child and teen killed by knives and pursued the themes and possible solutions to the issues surrounding knife crime. We also exclusively revealed national data that showed last year was one of the worst in 40 years for knife fatalities. These pen portraits will no longer be updated.

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This manual is for youth justice service practitioners and managers

This is the updated guidance for professionals January 31st 2024.

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Young People's Action Group - Information Brochure

This guide has been created to support organisations of any shape and size to meaningfully work alongside young Londoners. 

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Catch22 Zine

Catch22 Zine is an annual publication designed to give you a flavour of the depth and breadth of what we do across our organisation.

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Welcome to the MPCT Military Academy

We have seen and supported over 30000 young people make the very challenging transition from childhood to adulthood and develop into positive, productive role models in their own right.

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The Cost of Living Impact on Mental Health 2022-2023

In the recent past, especially in the past year of 2022, the cost of living has been increasing significantly, causing massive issues across individuals’ daily lives and their quality of life. 

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A guide to knife harm for parents and carers

Facts to help you feel more confident when talking to your child about knife harm, as well as practical help and guidance, and where to find support.

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Violence Reduction Programme London - In-Hospital Violence Reduction Services: A Guide to Effective Implementation

Implementation guide to support the development and sustainability of in-hospital Violence Reduction (VR) services. The guide is intended for health care professionals working in partnership with local authority and third sector organisations to set up and deliver in hospital VR services.

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Outreach - Community Outreach Funding 2022/23

A dedicated fund, which will enable local businesses, charities, and community led organisations to work in collaboration with the Met; to rebuild trust within our communities, and progress towards increasing the number of people from underrepresented groups to consider a career within policing.

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Knife crime - A problem solving guide

The College has produced this guide to support forces in tackling this complex type of crime, equipping officers in all forces with good practice from across the UK and beyond.

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Annex A: Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls - Progress against previous actions

This document sets out progress against the actions the Government committed to in the Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy (2016-2020), Ending Violence Against Women and Girls Strategy Refresh (2019), and Male Victims’ Position Paper (2019).

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Tackling violence against women and girls

The document covers how the Government will prioritise prevention, support survivors, pursue perpetrators and create a stronger system.

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Stop and Search Know your rights

Information card on stop and search and rights.

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Youth Justice Board Business plan 2021-2022

This business plan outlines the essential activity the YJB aims to complete during 2021-22. Some is carried forward from last year, when our priority was to respond to the challenges presented by COVID-19

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Serious Violence Strategy

UK Government strategy on serious violence

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A Safer City for Women and Girls - The London tackling violence against women and girls strategy 2018-2021

This document is the Mayor of London's strategy for delivering his vision of a safer London for women and girls, covering the period 2018-2021.

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The London Knife Crime Strategy

Knife Crime Strategy for London.

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The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Complete statement of children's rights which is the most widely-ratified international human rights treaty in history.

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